The LORD OF THE HARVEST GLOBAL MINISTRIES (LOTHGM) is a church composed primarily of English and Japanese speaking Filipinos either working or studying in Japan. Majority of her members are residents and married to Japanese. It began in 1989 as a small group in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture when two Filipino women initiated a bible study in their workplace. When they grew in numbers, a brother, Jose Monty Izon, obeyed the calling of God and handled the group. Eventually, he became the resident pastor of the church.
By the grace of God, that small apartment gatherings led to a spacious place of worship where the church is presently situated. The church is renown as the first Filipino congregation who owned a church structure in Japan. The members of the church family come from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds. Some have grown up in Christian homes but majority have come to know God recently as a result of the concerted efforts of the church members, through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, of winning more souls back to God. Overall, the following virtues form parts of the foundation of the church: Biblically Faithful The Bible is the church final authority in all matters of life and relationship. Grace Oriented The church emphasizes God’s unconditional acceptance and total forgiveness through Jesus Christ. The church stresses the importance of personal relationship among believers. These relationships are strengthened in cell ministry and congregational worship. One of the church primary goal is to strengthen family relationship among household members for them to successfully stand as witness to God’s perfect holiness, love, faithfulness and righteousness. Simply Structured The church is administered by a Pastor. The daily operations of the church are delegated to church lay leaders and amply supported by church members. Celebration church Worship utilizes instruments and voices in an intense passion, drawing the Holy Spirit’s presence in the midst of the congregation. |